Don't Give Up! Don't Quit! - Colorado Professional Photographer
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Friday, February 15, 2019
By Sharon Arnoldi Photography
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New Year, New Business: 3 Reasons to Keep Going


Starting a new business can feel equally exciting and daunting. You started off with a passion that grew into a business model, but now we’re just a few weeks into 2019 and it’s become apparent that running your own business certainly isn’t a walk in the park. Amid the growing pile of things to do, I’d encourage you to push through. Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s not worth it, and you are cut out for this! There really is a light at the end of the tunnel. Here are three reasons to keep going:


  1. You are your own boss.

At the beginning, being your own boss sounds nice, but once you’ve begun it can feel somewhat overwhelming. No one is there to make decisions for you, lay out your plans or projects, or tell you when things are due. Sometimes you wish someone would just tell you what to do. But the good news is, YOU get to decide what your priorities are and how things get done. Keep organizing, delegating, and reevaluating until you find a method that works for you as opposed to just throwing in the towel. Remember that everyone has to make adjustments, even those who’ve been going at it awhile. It’s part of the process.


  1. You can create your own schedule.

I’ve been a mom, wife, photographer, and business owner for many years now, and I’ll admit that it took a little while to get the hang of balancing my time between roles. But once I figured it out, I felt so much freer than when I worked a strict schedule. If my daughter needs me or if she’s sick, I can rearrange my schedule to be there for her. I have more quality time with my family now, and I’m loving it!


  1. You’ll have a better work environment.

I know many of you reading this are photographers as well. Nothing compares to being out on the trails, visiting new scenic spots, and standing in front of majestic mountains. That’s my office! Once you’ve ironed out the nitty gritty details of starting a business, you can relax and enjoy the beauty of it (literally!). Plus, you’ll get to work with some of the most amazing people. The families I photograph add so much purpose to my career as I capture priceless memories they can hold in their hands and frame on their walls for years to come!


Hold your head up, friend! The best is yet to come on this exciting adventure. Just hang in there through that first year, and you’ll find that you can indeed make a career out of a passion.



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